How my story as a young artist changed how I viewed money.
It got to a point one morning where I had to stop and recalibrate my expectations. Savings depleted, it seemed as if my life was disintegrating. My truck broke down, the washer and dryer failed simultaneously, and even the electric spark on my stove ceased. I felt besieged, sinking into a metaphorical hole as my troubles piled on, threatening to engulf me.
In this moment of crisis, I realized the necessity of returning to first principles: Who am I? What do I desire? What do I possess? Where am I headed? I had become so entangled in minutiae that I lost sight of the broader perspective. Why was I working, and what was the goal?
As I began to enumerate my life goals and remembered who I was and aspired to be, the trivialities that had been overwhelming me – like my dismal credit score, a failed relationship, or my indecisiveness in seizing excellent opportunities – started to diminish in significance. I ceased self-criticism and began to let go of a narrative of failure and indifference.
I had to confront my narrative about money – that it wasn’t essential for happiness, or that as an artist, I shouldn’t ‘sell-out’. Raised in a Quaker tradition, I grew up believing that simplicity was a spiritual virtue. This philosophy doesn’t demonize money or consumption; it advocates for simplicity. However, I had distorted this into a moral judgment against money, which explained my financial struggles. I needed to recognize that money was necessary for survival, but I had been vilifying the very energy that drives its creation.
Thus, I embarked on a journey to reevaluate my relationship with the concept of money and wealth. I understood that the stories we hold in our minds shape our actions. If we perceive ourselves as victims of circumstance, we start to behave as such. True growth necessitates shedding old skin – a process often fraught with discomfort. Recognizing that we are the architects of our own difficulties can be as shocking as encountering a mask in the mirror. Our emotional responses – fear, anger, disgust, humor, or avoidance – act as guides, signaling areas requiring deeper introspection.
Dismissing certain ideas or feelings is particularly revealing. Why do I dismiss these thoughts? What am I avoiding? Can I truly trust my convictions so implicitly?
This introspection led me to a vital realization: my financial struggles weren’t just about money; they were about my relationship with myself. I had to align my financial goals with my values and beliefs. This alignment required me to redefine my concept of success – not just in monetary terms, but in personal fulfillment and contribution to society.
In redefining success, I embraced the idea that financial stability and personal integrity aren’t mutually exclusive. It’s possible to pursue financial goals while staying true to one’s values. This realization was liberating. It allowed me to approach my financial situation with a renewed sense of purpose and clarity.
My journey through financial turbulence taught me a valuable lesson: Our beliefs, particularly about money and success, deeply influence our life’s trajectory. By examining and realigning these beliefs, we can navigate life with greater ease and purpose. This journey isn’t just about financial recovery; it’s about rediscovering ourselves and our values. It’s about understanding that simplicity isn’t about denying ourselves the necessities but about embracing life in its purest form.
As I continue on this path, I encourage you, my readers, to reflect on your own beliefs and narratives. How do they shape your relationship with money and success? Are they serving your true self and goals? Sometimes, the key to moving forward lies in revisiting our roots and redefining our relationship with the world around us.
Remember, growth and change are not just possible; they are the essence of our journey through life. Embrace the process, and you’ll be amazed at where it takes you.
What’s Your Story?
Are you ready to rewrite your own story? To shift from a narrative of limitation to one of empowerment and growth? As a development coach with extensive experience in depth psychology and theater, I am here to guide you on this transformative journey.
Through the unique blend of techniques in my ‘Theater of Self’ program, I can help you cultivate greater somatic awareness, emotional intelligence, and metacognition. These tools are not just for self-improvement but are also powerful assets in the professional realm, aiding in better decision-making, enhancing team dynamics, and fostering a deeper connection with your work and personal life.
If you’re feeling stuck, if the narratives you’ve been telling yourself no longer serve you, or if you’re simply seeking a deeper understanding of your own story, I invite you to reach out. Together, we can explore your narrative, identify areas for growth, and chart a course towards a more fulfilling and authentic life.
Don’t let your story be defined by circumstances. Take control and start writing a new chapter today. Contact me for a consultation, and let’s embark on this journey together.
by Bradley Denis McDevitt, MA, ACC