Courses & Projects

theater of self

Metacognition, Attention, & Limitless Creativity


Skills for life

What if there were a way you could train for increased joy, play, creativity, and mindful serenity all at the same time? A way to harness all the moments of your day in a continual practice indistinguishable from your own life? The first step is improving your metacognition. As Shakespeare famously said, “All of life is a stage and we but merely players.” Theater of Self program meets all these criteria without the need to ever get on a stage.

This training is effective for executives, high-performers, and creative individuals alike, as well as for delivering SEL (Social/Emotional Learning) objectives for young people. Corporations, Schools, Teams all can benefit from this work.

Be the best player you can be.

Train to play the Infinite Game.


Personal and professional development starts with clear insights into mindsets, behaviors, and stories.

Our grounding in Jungian depth psychology and Presence-Based Coaching® quickly harnesses the power of artful questions to identify your best path forward.

Our training provides you the quickest, smartest, and most reliable pathway toward transformative change.


Theater of Self illuminates our muscles of attention and intention. As we become more attuned to the subtle signals from our bodies, we are able to access many more options and possibilities.



When you want to go beyond what you’ve accomplished, you must do something you’ve never done.

Even knowing where to start can be tricky. By getting in the room with someone who can ask you the relevant questions that offer moments of deep insight, you clarify the questions holding you back from limitless achievement.



four people running in an empty room

ecologies of practice

Our approach draws heavily from the work of Dr. John Vervaeke, a cognitive science professor at the University of Toronto, who addresses the meaning crisis through somatically integrated wisdom cultivation, and Dr. Iain McGilchrist, whose research on hemispheric differences in the brain sheds light on how we focus attention.

Their insights inform our practices and pedagogies, using human creative play to confront the crisis of meaning and attention that challenges our culture today.






6 + 6 =

Live sessions/webinars

Tuesday – Thursday: 9am – 2pm

Free Introductory coaching sessions